Exeption Text: The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files There can be two solutions to this problem when it occurs in Eclipse Eclipse doesn’t know where the J2EE jar file is present. To give the path: - Right Click Project you are working on from Package Explorer- Go to Properties- Go to Java Build Path from the right tree structure- Go to Libraries Tab- Choose Add External Jars Button- Select J2EE.jar file normally in C:\Sun\AppServer\lib folder.- Hit Finish In Eclipse, the cause of this problem is that you somehow deleted the SYSTEM JRE LIBRARY associated with your project. Simple fix in Eclipse:-Right Click Project you are working on from Package Explorer-Go to Properties-Go to Java Build Path from the right tree structure-Go to Libraries Tab-Choose Add Library Button-Select JRE System Library-Hit Next, the Radio button will prompt the Workspace default JRE, and let it be that way-Hit Finish