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Showing posts from 2010

Difference between action and function in QTP

1. Action is QTP Specific can't use it outside qtp whereas a function is a more generic form of language construct. 2. Action can only accept or pass primitive datatypes like string and numeric while a function can pass almost any form of datatype like test objects etc. 3. We can't place calls to an existing Action using QTP API we can do this using the interface only. Functions can be called anywhere

Picassa doesn't show all the images imported

When I imported pictures into a folder in Picassa I couldn't see all the pics... All the smaller pics were hidden from display...this link helped me alot: Step 1: Make sure your file type is being detected In Picasa, click the Tools menu. Select Options . Click the File Types tab. Verify that you've selected the checkboxes for all the formats you'd like Picasa to display. See our list of supported file types . Click OK . Step 3: Look for hidden files or folders Picasa won't show any files or folders that have been marked hidden in Windows. To see if a folder is hidden, follow these steps: Navigate to the folder in question on your computer. Right-click the folder or file. Select Properties . The 'Hidden' checkbox must be deselected in order for Picasa to access content in the folder or file. Repeat the above steps for every folder in the file path. For example, if your photo is stored at C:\Documents and Settings\fredflintstone\My Documents\My Pictures, yo...

How to align text in InDesign

Many different ways to do it...But one simple way - Step 1: Hit Alt+Ctrl+I - This will show us all the hidden characters Step 2: To align a paragraph into one single justified para - Hit Ctrl + \ (Back Slash) Now whenever you want to add a line in the same para graph hit - Shift + Enter (Soft Return) This will keep the text aligned. Also refer to this link: HowTo Write back if you still have issues aligning the text!