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Showing posts from July, 2011

Selenium2 - Read a Table

If I have a table which is designed in this manner: If you have an ID for the table its really good to catch the table else you will have to do alot of manipulation with the tables you find... // Here I try to identify the table using its ID. WebElement table = webdriver.findElement("tableID")); // Here I try to identify the table using a simple xpath WebElement table = webdriver.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body/table/tbody")); // Get all the rows of the table List rows = table.findElements(By.tagName("tr")); Iterator i = rows.iterator(); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); // Iterate over the rows of the table while(i.hasNext()) { WebElement row =; // Find all the columns of the row List columns = row.findElements(By.tagName("td")); Iterator j = columns.iterator(); System.out.print(" | "); // Iterate over the columns of the ...

Selenium: Get DropDown Options

How to get the options of a dropdown list? Here are the ways to get it: Option 1: - There is a built in function in selenium getselectoptions() which can be called to get the list of options available for the select tag. For ex: string[] dropDownItems = selenium.GetSelectOptions("//select[@id='someid']"); Option 2: - If you want to get the text of the dropdown items which are in this format Option One Option Two then you can get the text for the options using: var iCount = (int) selenium.GetXpathCount("//select[@id='someid']/option"); var optionsList = new List (); for (int i = 1; i { String option = selenium.GetText("//select[@id='someid']/option[" + i + "]"); optionsList.Add(option); } Option 3: To get the id for the select options. We need the following code: var iCount = (int) selenium.GetXpathCount("//select[@id='someid']/option"); var optionsList = new List (); for (int i = 1; i { String option =...