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Showing posts from April, 2014 - Guaranteed One Day Delivery

Debug an Android Phone on Windows

To debug an android phone on windows you need to follow these steps: On the Phone Enable USB Debugging on your Phone Enable USB Debugging on the Chrome  browser of your phone On Windows 7 Install the “ADB PLugin” extension on Chrome browser Install the phone drivers needed as per the phone you want to debug Connect the phone to windows Open “ADB Plugin” and start debugging!!!   Important Links   Hope this helps!

Windows PowerShell Common Commands

  Some common commands on PowerShell Change a Directory DOS: cd PowerShell: Set-Location List Files in a Directory DOS: dir PowerShell: Get-ChildItem Rename a File: DOS: rename PowerShell: Rename-Item To see if a DOS command has an alias, you can use the Get-Alias cmdlet. For example, Get-Alias cd shows you that cd is actually running the Set-Location cmdlet. So instead of remembering all the powershell equivalents, just remember the alias command which is Get-Alias This way just log into PowerShell and type the command Get-Alias <command line command> and you’ll get the equivalent powerShell command of it!   I’ve shamelessly copied the content from this website - Please visit the main site for more information on PowerShell…   More Power to you

How to Unpack a tar file on Windows?

On Windows: You can download a simple command line tool to do this. You can download the tool from here Usage can be found on the website but pasting it here too for convenience: C:\>TarTool.exe Usage : C:\>TarTool.exe sourceFile destinationDirectory C:\>TarTool.exe D:\sample.tar.gz ./ C:\>TarTool.exe sample.tgz temp C:\>TarTool.exe -x sample.tar temp TarTool 2.0 Beta supports bzip2 decompression for files with extensions like tar.bz2 and .bz2 . TarTool -xj sample.tar.bz2 temp or TarTool -j sample.bz2 Download TarTool 2.0 Beta from here Unpack a .txz file on Windows Use the 7zip tool  to unpack a .txz file on windows On Linux: You can use the bzip2 and tar combined to do this… for ex: bzip2 –cd <tar.bz_fileName> | tar –xvf - This will unpack the contents of the file Happy Un-Tar-ing