Here are some useful linux commands... whoami - This command gives you the userid you are logged in as pwd - print working directory. When you type in this command it tells you which folder you are in and along with printing the path of the folder ls - listing. This command will list out all the files and directories under the current directory sorted alphabetically ls -F - This command lists all the files and directories with directories displayed with a trailing slash and executables have a * at the end of the executable name ls -s - lists file sizes - displays in disk blocks ls -s -h lists file sizes with human readable file sizes wc - word count displays lines, words, characters for a particular file wc -c wc -w wc -l cat - concatenate - prints the file contents one after another sort - sorts the output head - - gets the topN results from a file mv - move - moves a file cp - copy - copies a file rm - removes a file rmdir - removes a directory cd - ch...
In this fast world of IT...Learning is quintessential :) Here is my way of learning!!!