- ipconfig: Used to see the IP address and the gateway mask. Can also be used to
- ipconfig /all: Displays all the available information for a system
- ipconfig /displaydns: This will display the local dns file
- ipconfig /flushdns: This command will clear the local dns file
- systeminfo: Get the operating system information using this command
- systeminfo /S <systemname> /U <username>: Get the operating system information for a remote system using this command
- tasklist: Does the same thing that starting a task manager would do…Display a list of tasks running on the system.
- taskkill /im <imagename>: Kills the process with the image name provided
- taskkill /pid <processid>: Kills the process with the process id provided
- type: read a file from command line using type…
- netstat: You can get to know who/what is getting connected to your system
- netstat –a: displays all connection info
- netstat –b: displays the executable name in the netstat output
- netstat –n: sorts the netstat output in numerical form
- nslookup: Looks up for the DNS for a system
There is no doubt that I prefer wget way over any other type of downloads… Syntax: wget <DOWNLOAD_URL> If you get this error “ zsh: parse error near & ” then its probably because your download URL has a “&” so you should try giving your DOWNLOAD_URL in double quotes wget “<DOWNLOAD_URL>” If you are trying to download from a site which needs you to give your credentials then you can try giving it this way wget --http-user=<UserName> --http-password=<Password> “<DOWNLOAD_URL>” Hope this helps