How to convert a String Array to a Collection?
Before we get to know how to convert a String Array into a Collection. We might want to know more details about the two…
What’s the difference between a String Array and a Collection?
Collection: It’s a group of data manipulated as a single object. Technically, its an interface in java which is implemented by various other classes. Many of which you uses regularly. One of its implementations can be seen in an array.
An array best defined by the Sun is “An array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type.” So by implementing Collection interface, an Array skips the code required for its implementation – that is now taken care by the Collection interface!
Why would I want to convert a String Array into a Collection
A Collection contains “Objects” if you understand the language…An Object is more generic implementation of the data types. So in a Collection, you can have any type of Object…So while writing down your code, if you aren’t sure of the data type of the input that your customers would provide and for just iterating over the customer input, you can use a Collection. So any kind of input data type, when casted into a Collection, would be accessed as a list of Objects! – Does this make sense now?
Okay! Now I understand – So tell me how to convert now!
// Declare and initializing the string array
String strArr[] = {"Element1", "Element2", "Element3"};
//Now time to Convert the string array into a collection
Collection colList = Arrays.asList(strArr);
Now your collection is ready to be used