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Showing posts from June, 2014

MS Excel - Find Duplicates in a Coloumn

Lets say you have a column full of data in your excel and you want to find out the duplicates in it: Method 1 - Using Countif function Let's say your data is this Column A Siri Sekhar Sahan Sahiti Sahana Siri Sekhar Sekhar Now in Column B enter the formula in the first cell =CountIF($A$1:$A$8, A1) Then sort the data by Column B and you will know which data is repeated Method 2 - Using Pivot Table In Excel 2013, go to Insert --> Pivot Table When asked to select Table or Range, select the Column A data Now when the pivot table fields are shown select the Column A and drag it to "Row Labels" and "Values" -  Set "Values" to Count This will give you the count of each of the element thus enabling you to find the duplicates.