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Showing posts from April, 2012

Setting up Apache

Though there are hundred’s of links available for Apache Server setup…Yet I felt there is a need to scribble what I did: Download the tar.gz file from this link Unpack or uncompress the file using the command: tar –zxvf <file-name> <destination folder name> Go to the apache/conf/server.xml - change the server name to the machine name where you unpacked the apache folder Go to the <host> tag in the file Change the “name” attribute To access the ManagerPanel/Administration - Go to the apache/conf/tomcat-users.xml - add a user If you want to add a user with name “apacheuser” and password “apache” add the following to the file <user username="apacheuser" password="apache" roles="manager-gui"/> This will give the user “apacheuser” access to the manager GUI. You can access this panel Start the server Open command prompt (On windows) or Terminal (On Linux) Go to the following folder: On Windows - C:\Program Files\Apache S...

Standard way to find a Character TYPE!

While we are processing Characters, it’s a very common practice that we use ASCII values… I still remember in my computer class if I had to find out a character is a capital letter or not I would compare it with its ASCII value   I have also seen these comparisons if (ch >= ‘a’ && ch <= ‘z’ || ch >= ‘A’ && ch <= ‘Z’) – This means our character is an ALPHABET if (ch == ‘ ’) – This means our character is a whitespace     Now this comparison is language specific…I mean it works for English and some other international languages but fails for others… If you are interested in having an internationally accepted Character Test Code ready then read on     Char cTest; If (Character.isLetter(cTest) – This mean cTest is an Alphabet If (Character.isDigit(cTest) – This mean cTest is a Digit If (Character.isSpaceChar(cTest) – This mean cTest is a Space   There is a very useful function called getType which can return meaningful c...

Print all the ant variables used!!!

Have a large build file and want to see what your ant variables contain? Use <echoproperties></echoproperties> in your target and you will get the list of ant properties with their values printed to standard output. You can redirect the output to a file using the attribute destfile as below <echoproperties destfile="allproperties">                    </echoproperties> You can always print individual values using echo as below <echo message=" testng.timeOut = ${ testng.timeOut }"/>

Increasing Productivity–Templates!!!

Innovation at its best would give you immense power!!! Not just for you to go places in your career but to start with give you ways to get the best out of you. Raise your hand if you are victimized by the huge number of emails sent out each day…I say each one of us has to do our share…I send out loads of emails every week…Some of them are well decided! So how do you get the most out of this boring task of sending out report, emails? Simple – Templates !!! Yes, you heard it right…I won’t dictate which templates you would want to use but the freedom lies with you…You decide which templates you are looking for…If its an email that you have to send out week after week then have a word template created for yourself which you can send out as an email Send out Word Template as an Email Here are a couple of links which I found useful while learning about word templates