Though there are hundred’s of links available for Apache Server setup…Yet I felt there is a need to scribble what I did:
- Download the tar.gz file from this link
- Unpack or uncompress the file using the command: tar –zxvf <file-name> <destination folder name>
- Go to the apache/conf/server.xml - change the server name to the machine name where you unpacked the apache folder
- Go to the <host> tag in the file
- Change the “name” attribute
- To access the ManagerPanel/Administration - Go to the apache/conf/tomcat-users.xml - add a user
- If you want to add a user with name “apacheuser” and password “apache” add the following to the file
- <user username="apacheuser" password="apache" roles="manager-gui"/>
- This will give the user “apacheuser” access to the manager GUI. You can access this panel
- Start the server
- Open command prompt (On windows) or Terminal (On Linux)
- Go to the following folder:
- On Windows - C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-tomcat-7.0.0\bin
- On LInux – <whereEverYouUnpackedApacheFolder>/bin
- Type the command
- On Windows – startup.bat
- On Linux – ./
- Check your installation!
- On your favorite browser type: http://<your-desktop-name>:8080/
- To shutdown the server
- Open command prompt (On windows) or Terminal (On Linux)
- Go to the following folder:
- On Windows - C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-tomcat-7.0.0\bin
- On LInux – <whereEverYouUnpackedApacheFolder>/bin
- Type the command
- On Windows – shutdown.bat
- On Linux – ./