Innovation at its best would give you immense power!!! Not just for you to go places in your career but to start with give you ways to get the best out of you. Raise your hand if you are victimized by the huge number of emails sent out each day…I say each one of us has to do our share…I send out loads of emails every week…Some of them are well decided! So how do you get the most out of this boring task of sending out report, emails?
Simple – Templates!!!
Yes, you heard it right…I won’t dictate which templates you would want to use but the freedom lies with you…You decide which templates you are looking for…If its an email that you have to send out week after week then have a word template created for yourself which you can send out as an email
Send out Word Template as an Email
Here are a couple of links which I found useful while learning about word templates
You can search for a lot of existing templates here:
Daily reports to be sent out? Create an outlook recursive calendar appointment and have links to all that you need to fill in the report. Like have the links to the folders you have the reports in, you can have the links to places where you have to upload, you can also have the email templates using Mailto tag…I agree that forming the Email Template using Mailto tag might be a little kinky but once you have the template formed its really useful and quick!
Here is one example of using Mailto for Email Template:
Here is the mailto tag used above, just replace emails, subject and body
TIP: To get newlines in the Body of the email, you can include “%0D” in the body text
You can also introduce other characters using ASCII – here is a link to help you with that
Keep your mind free by creating as many reminders for as many tasks you can on your outlook…Keep all the useful links together in the meeting request so that you don’t have to spend time in looking for files and data!